Monday, May 12, 2014



 ``The sum of all your thoughts comprises your overall attitude.``

Your attitude colors every aspect of your choices.
It`s like the mind`s paintbrush.
Early in life, you don't have many choices. 
You don't choose where and when you are born.
You don't choose where and when you are born.
You don't choose your parents.
You don't choose your race, your personality type, genetic makeup.
You don't choose your health.
Everything you are and nearly everything you do is not up to you.
You must live with the conditions you find yourself in.

"You start with the cards you're dealt." - Voltaire

But the longer you live, the more your life is shaped by your choices.
You decide what you will eat.
You decide what toys to play with.
You decide whether you will do your homework or watch TV.
You choose which friends to spend time with.
You choose whether to finish high school, whether you will go to college, who you will marry, what you will do for a living.
The longer you live, the more choices you make - and the more responsible you are for how your life is turning out.

As time goes by, choices increases.

``Each man is questioned by LIFE, and he can only answer to LIFE by answering for his own LIFE; to LIFE he can only respond by being responsible.``

Wednesday, May 7, 2014



“The greatest gap in life is the one between knowing and doing.”
- Dick Biggs

Life would certainly be easier – and success more simple – if all it took to achieve was to KNOW the right things and DECIDE to do them, right? But I think it’s more accurate to say that a decision is just one bookend of achievement. The other is discipline. Decisions can only help us start. Discipline helps us finish. That’s where character comes in. Emotion might drive us to make a decision. But character is what keeps us going, even when it gets hard. In Developing the Leader Within You, I wrote about some differences between 
character-driven and emotion-driven people:

Character-driven people…

  1. Do right, then feel good.
  2. Are commitment driven.
  3. Make principle-based decisions.
  4. Let action control attitude.
  5. Believe it, then see it.
  6. Create momentum.
  7. Ask, “What are my responsibilities?
  8. Continue when problems arise.
  9. Are steady.
  10. Are leaders.

Emotion-driven people…

  1. Feel good, then do right.
  2. Are convenience-driven.
  3. Make popular decisions.
  4. Let attitude control action.
  5. See it, then believe it.
  6. Wait for momentum.
  7. Ask, “What are my rights?”
  8. Quit when problems arise.
  9. Are moody.
  10. Are followers.

The late Louis L’Amour is one of the best-selling authors of all time, with over 300 million copies of his popular western novels and short-story collections sold. When asked the key to his prolific writing, he responded, “Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” Allow character and discipline to drive you, and you’ll bridge the gap between knowing and doing. This will take you farther on the journey of success.